Use Form 601 instead of Form 313 for 944 MHz and above

Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 12:12:39 -0800
From: Howard Fine <howard AT>
Subject: [SBE-FREQCOORDS] FCC forms
The FCC has told me to pass the word to all broadcasters to stop using FCC form 313 for 944 Mhz and above. You should use form 601. You can still use FCC 313 for 26, 161, 166, 170, 450-451 & 455-456 Mhz bands until these go over [to] the ULS.
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 19:23:19 -0800
From: Howard Fine <howard AT>
Subject: [SBE-FREQCOORDS] Please pass this to all your stations
I asked the FCC what would happen if you sent in a 313 form for Part 74 apps.

Here is their answer:
We'd cry. Preferred order is Electronic, 601, 415 and 313 LAST. The list of additional items is almost as big as the 313 itself. And the mapping from the 313 to a 601 is a real pain. Either they do a 601 there, or we do a 601 here. And some of the mapping is assumptions, since not all items map directly. So PLEASE, PLEASE encourage people to use the 601. There's no question what is asked for, there's no items missing, there's no assumptions made. And it takes time for us to map.

Use Form 600 below 944 MHz

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 13:54:24 -0500
From: Brown, Kenneth J. <Kenneth.J.Brown AT>
Form 601 applies above 900 MHz. Form 600 is the preferred (over 313) form below 900 MHz. Look at the questions on the two forms and you can see why - Form 601 doesn't apply too well below 900 MHz. They're still accepting Form 313s below 900 MHz because the land mobile system isn't on ULS yet (think Fall), though they really prefer the 600.

The following was converted to text from a scan of FCC form 313 - Instructions. Form 313 can be downloaded from the FCC in PDF format at It is also available via mail or fax from the FCC.
Page 1 begins
Federal Communications Commission Approved by OMB
1270 Fairfield Road 3060-0028
Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 Expires 10/31/95


Application for Authorization In the Auxiliary Broadcast Services

This pamphlet is designed to assist the licensees or permittees of AM, FM and TV broadcast stations in preparing their applications for Remote Pickup (base, mobile and automatic relay), Aural Microwave (STL, Intercity Relay and Booster), Television Microwave (Translator Relay, STL, Booster, TV Relay, TV Pickup), and Low Power Auxiliary Stations licensed under the Auxiliary Radio Broadcast Services. International broadcast licensees, TV Translator, and Low Power TV licensees and other entities (Broadcast Network Entities, Motion Picture Producers, Television Program Producers, Cable Television System Operators) may also be eligible for certain types of Auxiliary broadcast station authorizations. See 47 CFR Part 74 to determine eligibility. Defective and incomplete applications and applications without proper fees attached are subject to return without consideration. Inadvertently accepted applications are also subject to dismissal.


References to FCC Rules are made in this application form. Before filling it out, the applicant should have on hand and be familiar with the current broadcast rules which are contained in 47 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
  1. Part O "Commission Organization"
  2. Part 1 "Practice and Procedure"
  3. Part 17 "Construction, Marking. and Lighting of Antenna Structures"
  4. Part 73 "Radio Broadcast Services"
  5. Part 74 "Experimental, Auxiliary, and Special Broadcast and Other Program Distributional Services"
FCC Rules may be purchased from the Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. You may telephone the GPO Order desk at (202) 783-3238 for current prices.

DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO AMEND PENDING APPLICATIONS. Simply file a letter amending the particular items and submit it to Federal Communications Commission, 1270 Fairfield Road. Gettysburg, PA 17325.

Fill in all appropriate items, DO NOT use "ON FILE".

A separate FCC Form 313 must be filed for each proposed station at a permanent or fixed location, in the case of a single Remote Pickup base station and a group of Remote Pickup mobile units, the entire system may be included on a single application. If additional base stations will communicate with the same mobile units, separate applications are required to be filed for each base station and one application to cover all mobile units. A separate application is also required for each automatic relay station. In the case of a TV Pickup system license, any number of mobile transmitters to operate in a specific area and frequency band may be included on a single application.

In accordance with 47 CFR, Section 74.431(g), a Part 73 broadcast licensee may operate new RPU base or mobile stations for an indefinite period upon filing an application for auxiliary operation, provided that the specific conditions of 47 CFR, Sections 74.24 and 74.431{9) are otherwise met.


[Editor's note: clearly mark the copies "duplicate copy" and place behind the original. If desired, make one additional copy of the application, mark it "stamp and receipt," and place it on top of the original with a self-addressed stamped envelope.]

Applications with fees should be sent to:
[Editor's note: Enclose check payable to "FCC." For amount and fee type code, see the FCC "fees" page.]
Federal Communications Commission
Mass Media Services
P. O. Box 358700
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5700

Applications which are exempt from fees should be sent to:
Federal Communications Commission
1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245

Questions may be directed to the FCC's Private Radio Bureau Consumer Assistance Staff at (717) 337-1212 [or 1-800-322-1117].

FCC 313 - Instructions
September 1993

Page 2 begins

For items 1, 3, 8, 9 and 10, use the two letter State abbreviations below for filling in these items;
Alabama AL Kentucky KY Ohio OH
Alaska AK Louisiana LA Oklahoma OK
American Samoa AS Maine ME Oregon OR
Arizona AZ Marshall Islands MH PaIau PW
Arkansas AR Maryland MD Pennsylvania PA
California CA Massachusetts MA Puerto Rico PR
Colorado CO Michigan MI Rhode Island RI
Connecticut CT Minnesota MN South Carolina SC
Delaware DE Mississippi MS South Dakota SD
District of Columbia DC Missouri MO Tennessee TN
Federal State
of Micronesia
FM Montana MT Texas TX
Nebraska NE US Minor Outlying
Islands (etc.)
Florida FL Nevada NV
Georgia GA New Hampshire NH Utah UT
Guam GU New Jersey NJ Vermont VT
Hawaii HI New Mexico NM Virginia VA
Idaho ID New York NY Virgin Islands VI
Illinois IL North Carolina NC Washington WA
Indiana IN North Dakota ND West Virginia WV
Iowa IA Northern Mariana
Wisconsin WI
Kansas KS Islands MP Wyoming WY


ITEM 1. LEGAL NAME OF APPLICANT - Enter name exactly as it appears in the Authorization for the broadcast station which will be using the auxiliary stations. If the applicant is An entity, enter the full name. Enter the official mailing address.

ITEM 2. FEE REQUIREMENTS - Item 2A should be completed by all applicants. If no fee is submitted, complete Item 25. If A fee is being submitted with your application, complete item 2C.

ITEM 3, CALL SIGN OF ASSOCIATED BROADCAST STATION(S) - Enter the broadcasting station's call sign (where more than one broadcasting station is specified, all such broadcasting stations shall be licensed to the applicant and to the same community) with which the auxiliary broadcast facility is to be principally used. Enter the community of license. For networks or producers, enter the primary community of operation.

ITEM 4. TYPE OF STATION PROPOSED - Check the box for the type of station proposed. If application Is for a single Remote Pickup base station and a group of mobile units, check both the base and mobile boxes. (See also general instructions.) Check STL ONLY if the link is to transmit program material from the studio to the transmitter. Remote Pickup portable units (47 CFR, Section 74.431(c)) are considered mobiles for this application. For Remote Pickup requests, mobile and automatic relay cannot be licensed together under one call sign. These requests must be filed on separate applications.

ITEM 5. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION - Check appropriate box(es).

ITEM 6. NATURE OF PROPOSED CHANGES - Check appropriate box(es). Enter call sign of auxiliary. If changing one base in a multi-base system, enter the base number. If adding a base, identify the new base station by number.


ITEM 8. TRANSMITTING ANTENNA INFORMATION - Enter the requested information about the transmitting antenna location. If the location of the antenna does not have a street address. describe the location in such a way that it can be located readily. For example, if the station is on a mountain, give the name of the mountain; for antennas at rural locations, indicate the route numbers of the nearest highway intersection and the distance and direction from the nearest town. Example: 1.3 mi NNW of Erie, PA.

Enter the names of the county and state, in which the transmitting antenna structure is actually Iocated. However, enter the name of the city that is closest to the structure even if the city is not in the same county and/or state as the structure.

Enter the geographical coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds, rounded to the nearcat second, for the antenna location. The latitude and longitude should be accurate to plus or minus one second for the antenna location. These coordinates are an important part of the location description. Do not estimate what they might be. Consult a qualified surveyor, if necessary. You MUST use coordinates based on North American Datum (NAD) 27.

ITEM 9. RECEIVE SITE INFORMATION - Receiver location is the site intended to receive the transmission from Item 8 or mobile stations. If there will be more than one receiver site, indicate "See Exhibit NO. __" and provide information for each site on the exhibit and specify the primary site to be used.

(A-E) Enter the address, city, county, state, and latitude and longitude of the receive site (see Instructions for Item 8 above).

(F) Enter the ground elevation above mean sea level (feet) of the receive site.

(G) Enter the height above ground (feet) to the center of the receiving antenna.

FCC 313 - Instructions (Page 3)
September 1993

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ITEM 10. REMOTE PICKUP, LOW POWER AUXILIARY AND TV PICKUP ONLY - Enter primary area of operation (usually community or license or market). Enter coordinates for the center of that area of operation (may be different from Item 9) and the radius of operation in miles and kilometers from those coordinates. If aeronautical operation is planned, enter the maximum planned transmitting altitude in feet and meters. Check appropriate box indicating the maximum number of mobile units intended to be used.


ITEM 12. ANTENNA INFORMATION - If this application is for:

Low Power Auxiliary - Leave item 12 blank;
Remote Pickup base/mobile system - Enter the base antenna information;
Remote Pickup mobile system or TV pickup WITH various antennas - Enter information for the antenna with the most gain;
Fixed microwave with more than one transmitter antenna - Enter the requested information for each antenna on an exhibit.
(A) For all applications - Enter the manufacturer and model number. Enter the antenna gain in dBi (gain over isotropic source) rounded to 1/10 dB. Indicate polarization by the following: V - Vertical, H - Horizontal, CW Clockwise (Right-hand), CCW - Clockwise (Left-hand}, X - Variable.

For fixed microwave only - Enter beamwidth (in the horizontal plan) from manufacturer's specifications (rounded to nearest degree). Enter the elevation angle (rounded to nearest degree), that angle measured in degrees from the horizontal up to the center line of radiation of the antanna. If the antenna looks down (depression angle), indicate with a minus sign. See the following example.

Diagram of elevation angle and azimuth

FCC 313 - Instructions (Page 4)
September 1993

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ITEM 12B. Enter the overall height (feet) above ground of the supporting structure plus the antenna or antenna tower (or pole).

ITEM 12C. Enter the ground elevation above mean sea level (feet) at the transmitting antenna site.

ITEM 12D. Enter elevation above ground, as measured to the center of the antenna or reflector (see sketch, Item B, below).

ITEM 12E. For aII applications specifying a transmitter at a fixed location (Item 8), complete the following for Items 12B, C end D. Enter both feet and meters. (Round feet to nearest foot and meters to nearest 1/10 meter.) Obtain figures from sketch, Item 12E, below. Antenna sketch (12E) must be filed for any fixed station application.

The sketch Should be a vertical profile of the antenna support structure. The sketch should show the antenna support structure in its entirety, whether it is a tower, building, or other. If the antenna support structure is to be mounted on a building, include the complete structure, e.g., penthouses and chimneys. The sketch should include:

  1. Proposed and existing station antenna installation, including parabolic dishes end passive reflectors. In the case of a periscope configuration where the antenna end reflector are not co-mounted on the same structure include both antenna support structures.
  2. All other top-mounted devices, e.g., whip or search antenna(s) or obstruction lighting which contribute to the overall height of the structure.
  3. Any Base on which the support structure is mounted.
If a particular site will have two or more antenna support structures associated with this application, e.g., a transmitter/reflector combination using two separate towers in close proximity or two separate buildings, submit a separate sketch for each support structure.

SKETCH 1: Applies to antenna mounted on conventional towers, masts, poles, etc. SKETCH 2: Applies to antenna structures mounted on buildings, water or fire towers, etc.

FCC 313 - Instructions (Page 5)
September 1993

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Sketch 1(B) or Sketch 2(D) is the total overall height above ground level (OHAGL) of the antenna support structure including all appurtenances. B/D includes all penthouses and chimneys if the support structure is a building as in Sketch 2, and top-mounted obstruction lighting which contributes to the overall height of the support structures as in Sketch 1. Note: B/D includes any base that the tower might be mounted on and any top-mounted devices, such as whip antennas as shown in the dotted portion of Sketch 1. (Enter figure in Item 12B.)

(E) is the elevation of the ground above mean sea level(AMSL) at the antenna support structure site. (Enter figure in Item 12C.)

(F) ls the center height above ground level (AGL) of the antenna(s) and reflector(s) which should be used when stating the height(s) of these components. (Enter figure in Item 12D.)

(C) Is the overall height above ground level (OHAGL) of the building, if applicable. NOTE that C will not equal D if the antenna tower extends above the topmost point of the building (see dotted portion of Sketch 2).

If a passive repeater or reflector is to be used, include a horizontal sketch with coordinates to show relationship of fixed locations.

ITEM 12F. AZIMUTH - Enter the direction of radiation of the main lobe of the transmit antenna by specifying degrees east of true north (rounded to nearest degree). See sketch, page 4.

ITEM 13. Indicate in Item 13A whether the antenna(s) for this station will be mounted on an existing antenna tower (or pole). If not, do not complete Items 13B through 13E; if so, then complete Items 13B through 13E. Enter the name of a licensee using the same tower you propose to use, the name of the radio service in which he is licensed, and his station's Call Sign.

ITEM 14A. For Remote Pickup, Low Power Auxiliary or TV pickup Systems (operating with a peak output power greater than 250 mW), enter "Yes" if the transmitting equipment is listed in the latest FCC Radio Equipment List of type accepted equipment for Part 74.

ITEM 14B. For Aural STL, intercity relay, TV STL, TV relay or microwave booster stations, enter "Yes" if the transmitting equipment is authorized under the type accepted or notification procedures of 47 CFR Part 2.

ITEM 14C. If the answer to either Question 14A or 14B is "No", you must provide a reason for your response. For instance, the equipment may be grandfathered in accordance with 47 CFR, Sections 74.451(e), 74.655 or 74.851(d). Additionally, TV pickup stations operating with a peak output power not greater than 250 mW need not use type accepted transmitting equipment

For unlisted transmitters not previously licensed. consult 47 CFR Part 2 for information necessary for Type Acceptance or Notification prior to authorizations. (Applications for Type Acceptance or Notification are usually filed by manufacturers to obtain a listing in the Commission's list; however, individuals having the necessary engineering facilities to make the required measurements may do so, and should include a copy of the written approval with the 313 application for the auxiliary service station.)

ITEM 15. Indicate whether notice of construction has been filed with Federal Aviation Administration. Refer to 47 CFR Part 17 for requirements and procedures for notification. If the FAA has been notified on Form 7460-1, enter the name of the organization it was filed under, the city of the FAA Regional Office where it was filed, and the date when it was filed.

ITEM 16. Enter "Yes" if the local frequency coordination committee has been notified. If the local frequency coordination committee has been notified, enter the name of the coordinator and the phone number, including area code, of the person contacted.

ITEM 17. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT - The following guidance is provided for the question regarding environmental impact:

(1) Place an (X) in the appropriate box to indicate whether a Commission grant of the proposed communication facility(ies) may have a significant environmental impact as defined by 47 CFR, Section 1.1307(a). Briefly. Commission grant of an application may have a significant environmental impact if any of the following are proposed:

FCC 313 - Instructions (Page 6)
September 1993

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2. If you answer "Yes", submit the required Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA should include the foilowng information for antenna towers and satellite earth stations:

3. The information Submitted in the EA shall be factual (not argumentative or conclusory) and concise with sufficient detail to explain the environmental consequences and to enable the Commission, after an independent review of the EA, to reach a determination concerning the proposal's environmental impact, if any. The EA shell deal specifically with any feature of the site which has special environmental significance (e.g., wilderness area, wildlife preserves, natural migration paths for birds and other wildlife, and sites of historical, architectural, or archeological value). In the case of historically significant sites, it shall specify the effect of the facilities on any district, site, building, structure or object listed in the National Register of Historic Places, 39 Fed. Reg. 6402 (February 19, 1974). It shall also detail any substantial change in the character of the land utilized (e.g., deforestation, water diversion, wetland fill, or other extensive change of surface features). In the case of wilderness areas, wildlife preserves, or other like areas, the statement shall discuss the effect of any continuing pattern of human intrusion into the area (e.g., necessitated by the operation and maintenance of the facilities).

4. The EA shall also be accompanied with evidence of site approval which has been obtained from local or federal land use authorities.

5. To the extent that such information is submitted in another part of the application, it need not be duplicated in the EA but adequate cross-reference to such information shall be supplied.

6. An EA need not be submitted to the Commission if another agency of the Federal Government has assumed responsiblility (a) for determining whether the facilities in question will have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment and, (b) if it will affect the environment, for invoking the environmental impact statement process.

ITEM 18. This question relates to NEW TV auxiliary stations ONLY. Briefly describe the primary broadcast-related purpose of the proposed new station.

ITEM 19. This question relates to NEW Television Auxiliary stations ONLY.

ITEM 20. Enter requested data as directed on the form.

FCC 313 - Instructions (Page 7)
September 1993